Friday, August 29, 2014

As the sun sets

image courtesy of Digital Blasphemy

Sunset.  The beautiful end to sunny days.  For many kids, this weekend will be the sunset of their summer vacations.  For today's prompt, write a little Flashy Fiction about a sunset --describe a beautiful sunset scene like the one pictured above, tell us a story about something happening at sunset, about how you feel when watching a sunset, or, maybe, about the sunset of a life.

Friday, August 8, 2014

The Midas Touch

image courtesy of Digital Blasphemy

A great digital creation of a beautiful flower made of golden flakes is the picture prompt for today.  Write a little flashy fiction about King Midas' curse.  How does your protagonist, or antagonist, maybe, deal with her ability to turn what she touches into gold?  Does she find it a blessing or a curse?  Does the curse only happen when she touches things with her hand, a different part of her body, or any part of her body?  Has she found a way to cope, to prevent accidentally turning things to gold?  Maybe she's being exploited by someone else.

Friday, August 1, 2014


image courtesy of Digital Blasphemy

Well, this site's been a tad neglected this summer.  Over a month since our last prompt.  Had we a more diligent Overseer, like the one in the picture above, maybe we'd not have missed so many weeks.  Today's prompt, then, and taking a cue from Walt's "Character Sketch" prompts, write a brief character sketch (200-250 words) detailing an overseer.  Give him/her a name and tell of their circumstance...feline companion not required.