Friday, April 18, 2014

Just Poem It!

It's National Poetry Month in the United States.  As such, there are many sites hosting Poem-A-Day Challenges throughout April.  For today's writing prompt, we're going to try to work a poem into the mix.  No, you don't need to write a poem, but for those who'd like to, write a poem about anything and share it here --a poem about a poem or about creating a poem would be fantastic.  Another prompt idea:  Take a well known phrase and change it to be about poems, then write a little Flashy Fiction about it. 

Choose one of the poemed phrased below or create your own.
  • A poem a day keeps the doctor away
  • A poem in the hand is worth two in the bush
  • A fool and his poem are soon parted
  • Little Miss Goody Two-poems

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